Who’s in the Barn?
Get to know the non-humans here at Grateful Acres!
In the barn, in the fields, taking a nap or searching for snackies allow us to introduce:
Cora Rae

Grateful Acres’ resident farm pup!
She arrived in spring of 2022, and has already learned how where the fun friends are….as well as the mud! She is a farm pup through and through, learning to interact with some and has her favorites too! (The big pigs and Keeper!)

Meet the Johnny!
Johnny joined us here in late April 2022. He is a sweet boy who likes to trot and canter around the pasture. If you want to pet him, make sure you have some treats!
Miss Coolie

Meet the queen of the farm!
Miss Coolie is a rescue thoroughbred that joined us here at Grateful Acres in 2001 and has been ruling it ever since!

Holy Cow! Well….steer.
Our resident cow here at Grateful Acres! Frankie is learning to be handled and interact with humans. At the moment, he likes to give a small lick ‘hello’, but it’s quite ready for all the petting. A cow tongue feels quite odd but we appreciate the affection. As mini Highland Dexter and will max out at about 4.5 feet tall!
Barn Cats

Grateful Acres resident farm cats. The first to arrive was Keeper, the last of 9 foster kittens. When Ally went to meet him, she knew right away he was a keeper! The other 4 were rescued from a farm not too far from here. We only planned to keep one, but they adjusted to the farm so well we couldn’t send them away.
Gus & Brownie

These two are miniature donkeys came together to join the farm in the fall/winter of 2020.
Gus is feisty and loves snacks and scratches. Brownie is s bit smaller and sometimes his brother may pick on him a bit…but little do they know that Brownie gets some extra treats!
(Brownie is Ally’s favorite but don’t tell the others!)
Grateful GOATS!

The oldest of the goats, Mildred and Mable, came to us in the summer of 2022. They are about 8 years old. Having only lived outside, they do not care to be in the barn. The baby goats, Domino and Buckeye, were gifted to us in August, just in time for Ally’s birthday. They are the most curious and playful goats, always keeping us on our toes!
Zeke and Zoe

This duo are Heritage Bourbon Red turkeys and found their forever home with us. Zeke and Zoe love hanging out together and walking the pastures.
Thelma & Louise

These two lovely girls are beautiful Hampshire Sheep and joined Grateful Acres in October of 2021. They are sassy and playful. Never show up without treats, they insist.
The Chickens

The number of chickens at the farm has happily grown to a bit of a gang. A fair mix of breeds and some that have their own special story. The farm Silkies (currently not shown) are their own special breed!
Farm Ducks

Our six resident farm ducks are always in a row. The bond that they have formed is something that books are written about. They really quack us up!
The Guinea Pigs

Barn-raised guinea pigs? Yup!
A definite favorite of the younger visitors here, This band of brothers live in their own stall in the barn, and love it! They have come to us from various places and different groups but get along great! Though they like the chase, they do enjoy being held and cuddled. They have also been known to give little squeaks for some fresh snackies!
Buford Duddy, Lida Ruth & Willis Calvin

Buford and Willis joined the Grateful Acres family in August of 2021. They are Kune Kune pigs from a farm in Everett, PA. Being Kune Kune pigs, they have a short snout and love to spend their days laying in the sun after grazing on fresh grass. An early 2021 Christmas gift to herself, Ally rounded out and made a trio with this sweet and sassy girl. Although it took some time, her brothers do not let her out of their sight!
IMPORTANT: Please Note
Though most of our animals are loved rescues, we are not a rescue farm.
Our hearts go out to those animals in need and we truly wish we could take them all! We carefully weigh and consider all factors prior to taking in any rescues. At this time, we are focusing on acclimating our recent rescues and growing the aspects to promote Care Farming.
**Do not abandon animals at the farm**
Visits and Volunteers
We offer the opportunity to visit the farm, to utilize it’s resources and (whether independently or supported) promote overall health, mental health, and well-being. We also offer opportunities for those looking for a more hands on “therapy” through volunteering! There is a lot that can be gained from hands in the dirt and taking care of the animals, farm and garden…while taking care of yourself!

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