The Grateful Acres Chronicles
Ally’s Sunday Sip Downs
Join me as we unwind, sip on our favorite beverages, and delve into discussions on gratitude, self-care, and the joys of farm life.
Sunday Sip Down #24
Sunday Sip Down #25
Sunday Sip Down #26
The Grateful Vlogs
Watch Ally as she gives you the latest on the farm!
Grateful Holiday
Video message from Ally
Grateful Updates
Video message from Ally talking about the important of taking a pause in your daily life.
Take the Pause
Video message from Ally talking about the important of taking a pause in your daily life.
The Rain Won’t Stop Us!
A video talking about the recent field trip visit we had here at Grateful Acres!
A Sunset Life
Newsletter Want to keep up to date with Grateful Acres? Then enter your email below to join[...]
With Love Comes Loss!
Loss is a part of life and there are no exceptions. Even a small care farm will have its highs and lows.
Visits and Volunteers
We offer the opportunity to visit the farm, to utilize it’s resources and (whether independently or supported) promote overall health, mental health, and well-being. We also offer opportunities for those looking for a more hands on “therapy” through volunteering! There is a lot that can be gained from hands in the dirt and taking care of the animals, farm and garden…while taking care of yourself!